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Please sign-up on this page if you would like to receive quarterly IPEN Newsletters, or information about IPEN Working Groups, permaculture teaching resources, and IPEN’s progress on its priorities and objectives.

    Teaching Resources for Core CoursesIPEN Website and Information SystemsPermaculture Education ResearchiLAND Centres (Demonstration Centres)New Courses: curriculum development and pilotingTranslationEducation for Permaculture and International DevelopmentHealth, Nutrition and Permaculture EducationIPEN Status and Structure (Year 2)

    National/regional education networkingTeacher training systemsDiploma systems

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    Members of the global permaculture community have established the International Permaculture Education Network (IPEN) initially as a member project a Permaculture Association of Britain, which promotes permaculture in Britain and contributes to the development of permaculture around the world.

    IPEN expects to be established as an independent entity by 2019 or 2020, when its network of members and contacts of have determined an appropriate status for it.

    We’d like to keep in touch with you about the work we do, as well as other international activities organised by permaculture organisations and networks around the world.

    We will never sell your data and we promise to keep your details safe and secure.

    You can change your mind at any time by emailing Steve or Lachlan.

    For further details on how your data is used and stored email Steve or Lachlan.

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