Tropical Permaculture Guidebook

The Tropical Permaculture Guidebook is a comprehensive resource of permaculture design, food sovereignty and environmental regeneration strategies. It creates the framework pattern of permaculture design from a typical tropical community perspective, then provides the detail of how to actually achieve it with step-by-step technical detail in word and image. Its context is the tropics but most of the information can easily be adapted for other climates and cultures.

The guidebook is divided into three themed volumes, with each volume also containing a foreword, introduction, glossary and reference section. It provides practical knowledge that can be used by anyone, especially poor and vulnerable communities, combining clear simple text with over 2000 detailed illustrations.

Available on a “Pay what you can” basis, with all donations supporting dissemination, translations and creating new language editions.


Volume 1: Permaculture and People – 304 pages
Ch 1: Permaculture ethics and principles
Ch 2: Natural patterns
Ch 3: Permaculture design strategies and techniques
Ch 4: Urban and community permaculture
Ch 5: Cooperatives
 Ch 6: Trainers’ guide

Volume 2: House and Garden – 376 pages
Ch 7: Houses, water and energy
Ch 8: Food, health and nutrition
Ch 9: Soil
Ch 10: Family gardens
Ch 11: Seeds and propagation
Ch 12: Plant nurseries

Volume 3: Regenerative Agriculture – 431 pages
Ch 13: Sustainable agriculture
Ch 14: Integrated pest management (IPM)
Ch 15: Trees
Ch 16: Bamboo
Ch 17: Animals
Ch 18: Aquaculture

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